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  What is molasses? Blackstrap Molasses in English -  sugarcane molasses, or simply molasses - is a beautiful black thick liquid, sweet in taste, slightly bitter, edible, concentrated and left over from the process. Sugar is extracted by crystallization and concentration methods. Molasses is a by-product of industrial enterprises processing sugar from raw materials such as sugar cane, radish, etc. The quality of this type of molasses depends on the maturity of the raw materials of sugar processing, such as radish, sugar cane; It also depends on the amount of sugar extracted, as well as on the type of sugar extraction method. Nutritional and chemical composition of molasses The chemical composition of molasses is mainly divided into 3 main groups: sugars, minerals and organic substances that do not contain sugar. Molasses does not contain fiber and fat, but it does contain protein, but in insignificant proportions. In addition, molasses contains a very large amount of carbon - from 40 t


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   Что такое патока? Патока по-английски — патока, или просто мед, — красивая черная густая жидкость, сладкая на вкус, немного горькая, съедобная, концентрированная и оставшаяся после процесса. Извлекают сахар методами кристаллизации и концентрирования. Патока — побочный продукт промышленных предприятий, перерабатывающих сахар из такого сырья, как сахарный тростник, редис и т. д. Качество этого вида патоки зависит от зрелости сырья переработки сахара, такого как редис, сахарный тростник; Это также зависит от количества извлеченного сахара, а также от типа метода экстракции сахара. Пищевой и химический состав патоки Химический состав патоки в основном делится на 3 основные группы: сахара, минеральные вещества и органические вещества, не содержащие сахара. Патока не содержит клетчатки и жира, но содержит белок, но в незначительных пропорциях. Кроме того, в патоке содержится очень большое количество углерода – от 40 до 50%. 1. Сахар В зависимости от типа сырья, используемого для извлечени

Sand Ginger (Kaempferia galanga L): Characteristics and remedies from medicinal herbs

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  The Sand ginger is a plant that is widely cultivated or grows wild in our country. For a long time, this medicinal plant has been used to treat some cases of bone and joint pain and diseases related to the digestive tract such as stomach pain, bloating... Characteristics of Sand ginger plants Sand ginger plant is also known as Tam Nai, Son Nai, Thien Lien or Sa Khuong scientific name Kaempferia galanga L belongs to the Ginger family (Zingiberaceae). This is a perennial herbaceous plant with no stem. The leaves are nearly round, egg-shaped and consist of 2-3, have sheaths and grow out on the ground. The leaf blades are 6-7 cm wide and 8-10 cm long, smooth, with whole leaf edges and slightly hairy undersides. The inflorescences grow in the leaf axils, have no stems, and are white with a purple tint. The rhizome has many small tuberous roots, growing one after another and has an ovoid shape with many horizontal stripes. This herbs is planted or grows wild in many places in our countr


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  Aynı türün diğer rattan ağaçlarıyla karşılaştırıldığında yapışkan rattan ağaçlarının görüntüsü birçok kişiye daha tanıdık geliyor. Kuzey köylerindeki yollarda, bu bitkinin yol kenarlarında yabani olarak büyüdüğünü kolaylıkla görebilirsiniz. Tırmanırken "rattan kollar" kullanır; gövdedeki yaprak kılıfının bir kısmı büyür ve 6. yapraktan itibaren "rattan kollar" ortaya çıkar. "Ratan ellerde", rattan gövdenin sıkıca tutunabilmesi ve güneş ışığını absorbe etmek için uzun tepesini ağaca doğru uzatabilmesi için pençeler bulunacaktır. Böyle bir olgunun nedeni, hayati enerji bedeninin kendi başına dallanamamasıdır. Rattan gövdesi kılıflarla kaplı ve her tarafı dikenlerle kaplı. Yapışkan rattanın dikenleri oldukça sert olduğundan, rattan hasadı çoğu zaman birçok sıkıntıya ve tehlikeye neden olur. Rattan gövdesi yaklaşık 10 - 15 m uzunluğundadır. Dağlık bölgelerde ağaç iyi yetişir ve gövdesi 30 m'ye kadar uzayabilir. Yapışkan rattan saplarının üst kısımları ka

YB 베트남 세계 최고 품질의 카시아 시나몬

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현재까지 Yen Bai는 베트남 북부에서 가장 큰 계피 재배 면적과 생산량을 보유한 성으로, 81,000헥타르가 넘으며 성 재배 산림 면적의 1/3을 차지하며 주로 Van 지역에 집중되어 있습니다. 엔(45.2천 헥타르, 성 계피 면적의 55.7% 차지), 쩐옌(19,000 헥타르, 성 계피 면적의 23.4% 차지); 또한 Van Chan(9천 헥타르), Luc Yen(5.9천 헥타르), Yen Binh(2.1천 헥타르) 등 일부 지역에는 널리 분포되지 않습니다. 성 전체에는 현재 81,000헥타르가 넘는 계피 재배지가 있으며 주로 Van Yen, Tran Yen 및 Van Chan, Luc Yen, Yen Binh 지역에 집중되어 있습니다. 특히 반옌(Van Yen)과 쩐옌(Tran Yen) 지역에서는 계피나무가 모든 마을과 마을을 덮고 있습니다. 매년 평균적으로 각 지역에서는 약 18,000톤의 계피 껍질을 이용합니다. 연간 평균 생산량이 600톤인 85,000톤의 가지와 잎, 목재 가공 및 수출용 계피 목재 200,000m3. Van Yen 계피는 베트남 최고의 계피 품종으로 베트남에서 에센셜 오일 함량이 두 번째로 높습니다(Tra My 계피 - Quang Nam 다음으로). 현재 옌바이(Yen Bai) 성에는 보일러 기술을 사용하여 에센셜 오일을 추출하는 비교적 대규모 규모의 계피 에센셜 오일 추출 공장이 16개 있으며, 총 생산 능력은 연간 1,000톤의 에센셜 오일 제품입니다. 이는 화학물질이나 기타 제제를 사용하지 않고 온도를 보일러 시스템으로 활용하여 계피 에센셜 오일을 분리하는 폐쇄형 기술 공정입니다. 또한 400개 이상의 소규모 가정용 계피 에센셜 오일 가공 시설(연간 제품 생산량이 약 300kg이나 불규칙적으로 운영됨)이 있으며 주로 수동 방식으로 운영되며 생산량이 높습니다. 연간 평균 300-800kg/시설의 에센셜 오일을 처리합니다. 최근에는 계피 제품의 생산과 소비를 연결하는 가치 사슬을 개발하고 형성하는 데 초점을 맞추기 위해 기업,


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Up to the present time, Yen Bai is the province with the largest cinnamon growing area and output in Northern Vietnam, with over 81 thousand hectares, accounting for 1/3 of the province's planted forest area, concentrated mainly in Van district. Yen (45.2 thousand hectares; accounting for 55.7% of the province's cinnamon area) and Tran Yen district (19 thousand hectares; accounting for 23.4% of the province's cinnamon area); In addition, it is not widely distributed in some districts such as Van Chan (9 thousand hectares), Luc Yen (5.9 thousand hectares) and Yen Binh (2.1 thousand hectares). The whole province currently has over 81,000 hectares of cinnamon, concentrated mainly in the districts of Van Yen, Tran Yen and Van Chan, Luc Yen, Yen Binh districts. In particular, in the districts of Van Yen and Tran Yen, cinnamon trees cover all communes and towns. On average every year, localities exploit about 18,000 tons of cinnamon bark; 85,000 tons of branches and leaves with a


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Compared to other rattan trees of the same species, the image of sticky rattan trees seems more familiar to many people. Along the roads throughout the Northern villages, you can easily see this plant growing wild on the roadside. The scientific name of the sticky rattan tree is Calamus Tetradactylus Hance. As for Vietnamese people, in addition to the common name May Nep, it also has a number of other names such as: mute rattan, large intestine rattan, garden rattan. The commercial name of sticky rattan is: White rattan. According to research from some sources, we knows that sticky rattan belongs to the family: Areca palm - like Palmae in the same family as Calamus platyacanthus tree. Interesting information about the morphological characteristics of the sticky rattan Sticky rattan is an underground plant with a shape similar to a ginger root. However, it has a black shell and is as hard as a horn. Below the underground stem is the location of the roots of the sticky rattan plant. Its