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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2023

Reasons why people should make Animal feed pellets

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  With large-scale livestock farming, the amount of feed for livestock and poultry every day is not only huge but also needs to ensure nutrition. Therefore, making your own pellets at home will help you in issues such as: Saving costs: M aking your own pellets will help you take advantage of available raw materials in your family to make pellets, make animal feed and save the cost of buying ready-made pellets on the market. The average price of ready-made pellets is currently around 12,000 VND and always tends to increase, not decrease. Saving time and effort: Using the pellet pressing method, you will no longer have to worry about chopping vegetables, cooking pellets, ... to make daily animal feed and limit pain and fatigue, wasting a lot of time. Ensuring nutritional content in pellets : Because farmers choose the raw materials to press bran themselves, they can consider the amount of nutrients for livestock and poultry, bran is guaranteed to be free of preservatives and additiv...


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 Ginger soaked in honey is a good remedy, helping to improve health and strengthen resistance. Detailed instructions on how to make simple ginger-soaked honey at home. Effects of ginger soaked in honey According to health website ASIA HEALTH, ginger soaked in honey has many effects, such as: - Ginger soaked in honey is a safe and effective natural way to prevent cancer. - This mixture also increases appetite and helps speed up metabolism. - Ginger is pungent and has strong antiseptic properties. Ginger soaked in honey can help the body fight disease-causing viruses, help warm the body, and improve the immune system. - Regularly soaking ginger with honey can help lose weight, reduce belly fat, promote metabolism, and make the body healthier. Four ways to make nutritious honey-soaked ginger at home Instructions for making honey soaked in ginger to treat coughs Ingredients need to be prepared - Fresh ginger: 4 large roots (remember to choose old ginger) - Honey: 1/2 liter (you prepar...


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什么是百香果? 百香果听起来很有异国情调,但看起来并非如此。 至少一开始是这样。 它生长在澳大利亚、新西兰、夏威夷等热带地区的攀援西番莲藤本植物上,从外观上看,它很小,呈蛋形,皮肤呈黄色或紫色。 你可能会把它误认为是小柠檬或李子——直到你把它切成两半。 里面充满了松脆的种子和多汁的黄色果肉。 西番莲果之所以得名,是因为 1500 年代的牧师认为西番莲花的某些部分象征着耶稣的“激情”或痛苦和死亡。 这种水果也被称为西番莲(granadilla)和马拉库亚(maracuya),也因此得名。 百香果味道甜而酸,具有独特的气味,通常在沐浴产品和蜡烛中重现。 只有果肉和种子就可以吃,而且只需几勺就有很多健康益处。 百香果的健康益处   维生素C。让开,橙子。 百香果富含这种抗氧化剂。 您的身体用它来制造血管、软骨、肌肉和胶原蛋白,从而使皮肤看起来年轻。 它还可以帮助您的身体愈合、减少炎症并保护您的细胞免受损伤。 当您摄入足够的维生素 C 时,就会降低患感冒和某些类型癌症的风险。 维生素 A。百香果的果肉和松脆的种子含有您每天所需的 8% 的维生素 A。 它是健康的眼睛和细胞、生殖和免疫力的关键。 纤维。 百香果有很多。 纤维可以保持肠道健康和蠕动,让您更长时间地感到饱腹感。 它还可以降低胆固醇以及患糖尿病、心脏病和某些癌症的风险。 营养素。 百香果还为您的身体提供钙、镁、磷、钾和叶酸。 这些对您的肾脏、神经、肌肉和心律有很大帮助。 百香果准备 哪里可以找到它。 百香果并非随处可见。 但当季节到来时,您可能会在农贸市场或有机市场找到它。 如何选择一个。 寻找皮厚且相对大小而言较重的百香果。 许多人认为皮肤有皱纹就意味着成熟了,但这是一个神话。 皮肤出现皱纹意味着皮肤正在干燥。 清洁它的技巧。 即使你不吃果皮,最好还是把它洗干净。 否则,当你切它时,刀会将有害细菌从果皮内部带到果肉中。 怎么剪呢。 你不必剥百香果皮。 只需将其切成两半并挖出带籽的果肉即可。 存储方法。 在凉爽的月份,您可以将百香果保存在室温下。 外面很热的时候,把它放进冰箱里。 那里会持续2到3周。 您也可以冷冻果肉。 怎么吃呢。 大多数人生吃它,上面撒上一点奶油和糖或酸橙汁。 你也可以: 将其与牛奶混合。 将其添加到酸奶或莎莎酱中。 将其混合在冰沙中。 滤出种子,煮沸果汁,然后用它来给冰淇淋、糖果、蛋糕...


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  What Is Passion Fruit? Passion fruit sounds exotic, but it doesn't look that way. At least at first. It grows on climbing passion flower vines in tropical regions like Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii, and from the outside, it looks small and egg-shaped, with yellow or purple skin. You might confuse it for a small lemon or plum -- until you slice it in half. Inside, it's filled with crunchy seeds in juicy yellow pulp. The passion fruit got its name because priests in the 1500s thought parts of the passion flower symbolized the "passion," or suffering and death, of Jesus. The fruit, also called granadilla and maracuya, ended up with the name, too. Passion fruit tastes sweet and tart, and it has a distinct smell often reproduced in bath products and candles. Only the pulp and seeds are OK to eat, and there are a lot of health benefits in just a few spoonfuls. Passion Fruit Health Benefits Vitamin C. Move over, oranges. Passion fruit is full of this antioxidant. You...


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  Что такое маракуйя? Маракуйя звучит экзотично, но на самом деле это не так. По крайней мере, поначалу. Он растет на вьющихся лозах пассифлоры в тропических регионах, таких как Австралия, Новая Зеландия и Гавайи, и снаружи выглядит маленьким, яйцевидной формы, с желтой или фиолетовой кожицей. Вы можете спутать его с маленьким лимоном или сливой — пока не разрежьте его пополам.   Внутри он наполнен хрустящими семенами в сочной желтой мякоти.   Маракуйя получила свое название потому, что священники в 1500-х годах считали, что части страстоцвета символизируют «страсти» или страдания и смерть Иисуса. Фрукт, также называемый гранадилья и маракуйя, тоже получил это название.   Маракуйя имеет сладкий и терпкий вкус, а также отчетливый запах, который часто воспроизводится в средствах для ванны и свечах. Можно есть только мякоть и семена, а всего в нескольких ложках есть много пользы для здоровья.   Польза для здоровья маракуйи   Витамин С. Подвиньтесь, апельсины. ...