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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2024


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  What is molasses? Blackstrap Molasses in English -  sugarcane molasses, or simply molasses - is a beautiful black thick liquid, sweet in taste, slightly bitter, edible, concentrated and left over from the process. Sugar is extracted by crystallization and concentration methods. Molasses is a by-product of industrial enterprises processing sugar from raw materials such as sugar cane, radish, etc. The quality of this type of molasses depends on the maturity of the raw materials of sugar processing, such as radish, sugar cane; It also depends on the amount of sugar extracted, as well as on the type of sugar extraction method. Nutritional and chemical composition of molasses The chemical composition of molasses is mainly divided into 3 main groups: sugars, minerals and organic substances that do not contain sugar. Molasses does not contain fiber and fat, but it does contain protein, but in insignificant proportions. In addition, molasses contains a very large amount of carbon - from 40 t


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  What is molasses? Blackstrap Molasses in English -  sugarcane molasses, or simply molasses - is a beautiful black thick liquid, sweet in taste, slightly bitter, edible, concentrated and left over from the process. Sugar is extracted by crystallization and concentration methods. Molasses is a by-product of industrial enterprises processing sugar from raw materials such as sugar cane, radish, etc. The quality of this type of molasses depends on the maturity of the raw materials of sugar processing, such as radish, sugar cane; It also depends on the amount of sugar extracted, as well as on the type of sugar extraction method. Nutritional and chemical composition of molasses The chemical composition of molasses is mainly divided into 3 main groups: sugars, minerals and organic substances that do not contain sugar. Molasses does not contain fiber and fat, but it does contain protein, but in insignificant proportions. In addition, molasses contains a very large amount of carbon - from 40 t


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   Что такое патока? Патока по-английски — патока, или просто мед, — красивая черная густая жидкость, сладкая на вкус, немного горькая, съедобная, концентрированная и оставшаяся после процесса. Извлекают сахар методами кристаллизации и концентрирования. Патока — побочный продукт промышленных предприятий, перерабатывающих сахар из такого сырья, как сахарный тростник, редис и т. д. Качество этого вида патоки зависит от зрелости сырья переработки сахара, такого как редис, сахарный тростник; Это также зависит от количества извлеченного сахара, а также от типа метода экстракции сахара. Пищевой и химический состав патоки Химический состав патоки в основном делится на 3 основные группы: сахара, минеральные вещества и органические вещества, не содержащие сахара. Патока не содержит клетчатки и жира, но содержит белок, но в незначительных пропорциях. Кроме того, в патоке содержится очень большое количество углерода – от 40 до 50%. 1. Сахар В зависимости от типа сырья, используемого для извлечени

Sand Ginger (Kaempferia galanga L): Characteristics and remedies from medicinal herbs

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  The Sand ginger is a plant that is widely cultivated or grows wild in our country. For a long time, this medicinal plant has been used to treat some cases of bone and joint pain and diseases related to the digestive tract such as stomach pain, bloating... Characteristics of Sand ginger plants Sand ginger plant is also known as Tam Nai, Son Nai, Thien Lien or Sa Khuong scientific name Kaempferia galanga L belongs to the Ginger family (Zingiberaceae). This is a perennial herbaceous plant with no stem. The leaves are nearly round, egg-shaped and consist of 2-3, have sheaths and grow out on the ground. The leaf blades are 6-7 cm wide and 8-10 cm long, smooth, with whole leaf edges and slightly hairy undersides. The inflorescences grow in the leaf axils, have no stems, and are white with a purple tint. The rhizome has many small tuberous roots, growing one after another and has an ovoid shape with many horizontal stripes. This herbs is planted or grows wild in many places in our countr