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Ginger juice, also known as ginger tea, originated in Southeast Asia, ginger is popular in food and medicine around the world. The ginger plant is rich in natural chemicals that can boost your health and well-being. Read on to learn more about the health benefits, nutrients, uses, and benefits of drinking ginger water daily.
1. Nutritional index of pure ginger juice
Ginger water is packed with antioxidants, which play an important role in helping your body deal with free radicals, reducing your risk of health conditions like cancer, metabolic heart disease, and diabetes. .
Some people find that ginger can cause stomach upset, bloating, and heartburn, especially when eaten in large quantities. Some doctors also recommend that people with gallstones avoid ginger, but studies have not found that ginger causes any gallbladder problems.
2. The best health benefits of ginger water
Ginger juice or ginger tea is made by boiling fresh ginger root in water, then letting it cool and filtering the water. Lemon juice and honey are added to this ginger juice, which is then sipped slowly. In his book, "Doctor at Home," Dr. P.S. Phadke says that sipping ginger juice regularly can help with kidney diseases, arthritis, allergies and colds. According to Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Medical Doctor Shilpa Arora, "Ginger juice aids digestion and aids in the treatment of cold and flu infections. In fact, taking small doses regularly can help people with asthma. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the effects of strong antibiotics."
2.1. Ginger water soothes nausea
Ginger has been used as a remedy for nausea and indigestion for centuries, and recent scientific studies have shown it to be a really effective folk remedy. A review of existing research has shown that consuming one to two grams of ginger can help reduce symptoms of nausea. While research is still being done on other types of stomach problems, ginger water may be a safe and effective way to feel better after an upset stomach. If you feel nauseous, drink ginger water.
2.2. Has anti-inflammatory effect
There are several causes of inflammation, including mild allergic reactions and severe exertion. Early studies on ginger have shown that it can help reduce inflammation caused by both of these causes. One study demonstrated that ginger extract may help reduce allergy symptoms, although more studies are needed to confirm these findings. Another small trial has suggested that consuming ginger may help reduce muscle pain after heavy exercise.
2.3. Relieve pain during menstruation
Countless home treatments are said to help relieve symptoms during the "red light days", ginger juice is said to be a remedy. Ginger helped relieve menstrual pain in several 2015 randomized clinical trials published in the Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Additional research shows that ginger is more effective at reducing pain than placebo when taken during the first three or four days of a cycle. According to Dr. Ganju, the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger may work in a similar way to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
Although most scientific studies to date have looked at ginger in supplement form, when you drink ginger juice regularly you can reduce the symptoms of cramps.
2.4. Ginger water helps balance your blood sugar
According to a 2015 study published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, when you consumed about 3 grams of powdered ginger per day, patients improved their glycemic index compared to a placebo in patients with diabetes. diabetes
2.5. Ginger water can promote weight loss
According to Dr. London: Ginger tea is not a panacea for weight loss because it cannot directly affect metabolism. These effects were mainly seen in caffeinated green and black teas but were only in preliminary studies and the results appear to be minimal and temporary. But if you're trying to lose weight, ginger water is an option worth trying because it's calorie-free and helps with hydration.
You can start drinking warm ginger water into your daily diet early in the morning, before your meals to keep your blood sugar balanced, which helps you not to overeat. It also reduces the risk of heart disease by balancing cholesterol levels in the body.
2.6. Ginger water may reduce the risk of chronic disease
Ginger - along with vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans and whole grains - contains a large amount of phytonutrients. These antioxidant-like compounds may help fight chronic inflammation, a physiological state in which your body's cells are constantly on high alert due to a prolonged or ongoing threat. past. That response mechanism isn't always bad, but sometimes it can work poorly and become too hyperactive. Over time, this can play an important role in the development of diseases such as arthritis and cancer. Phytonutrients like those in ginger can help reduce inflammation and protect the body's cells from DNA damage.
2.7. Good for the digestive system
Drinking a cup of ginger juice a day can help strengthen your digestive system and prevent indigestion, nausea, and heartburn. A teaspoon of mint juice, lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed with ginger juice can ease morning sickness during pregnancy.
2.8. Healthy hair and skin
Due to the antioxidants and vitamins present in ginger, drinking ginger water helps to lighten the skin naturally. Furthermore, the presence of vitamin A and vitamin C improves the texture of your hair, and has antibacterial properties that help treat and prevent skin diseases.
2.9. Protect against Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder affecting the central nervous system. Science has proven that ginger helps to slow down the degeneration of brain cells. Researchers have also found that the antioxidants and powerful compounds in ginger fight the inflammatory responses that occur in the brain.
3. How to make ginger juice
Ginger juice is a simple drink to make; if you will, it can contain nothing but water and ginger root. Many recipes also include sweeteners such as honey and lemon or lime juice to help balance out the flavors.
The basic ginger water recipe calls for sprinkling ground ginger into the water or dropping a few slices of ginger into your glass. However, these methods are not the most effective way for ginger to release its natural compounds. Heating ginger and water together will help the ginger infuse the spices, creating a more delicious taste. Basically, you can make ginger tea and then let the mixture cool to make ginger juice.
To make a large amount of ginger juice, combine 2 tablespoons of ginger with four cups of water. If you are using ginger root, slice it thinly to increase the surface area for the water to come in contact with. Boil the ginger root and water for 10 to 20 minutes. The longer the ginger is boiled, the stronger the tea will be. Then add honey, lemon or lime to taste, let the tea cool and you have a delicious and simple ginger juice.
Thank you and please let me know if you need anything else!
Sarah (Ms)
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